Respero Podcast

Season One of the Respero Podcast contains Joe’s teaching on a variety of subjects related to counseling and healthy relationships. Watch for a new season about human flourishing coming in early 2023.

#13–Why Jesus’ Dad Was a Hero

We sing that at Jesus' birth "all was calm, all is bright".  But underneath the details of the Christmas story there is another side to it, a tale of courage and faith in the midst of heartbreak, confusion, pain, and misunderstanding.  In this episode we see how the...

#12–Forgive and Remember

In this episode Joe uses 3 examples from his counseling practice and 2 stories from the Bible to illustrate what forgiveness means and what it looks like in our everyday lives. Despite the fact that it is one of the major themes in the Bible, most people still...

#10–We’re SO Different

In order to have relationships of depth and intimacy, and to truly "accept one another", we have to learn to navigate our differences. This is especially crucial in a world where we are sliding more and more to "us vs. them", and vilifying people who are outside of...

#9–How to be Accept-able

The longing to be accepted and the fear of rejection are two of the most powerful motivators of human behavior. Few things in life feel better than knowing that you are welcomed, wanted, included...truly accepted. In this episode we look at what it means to "accept...

#6-How Not to Be a Jerk at Work

An imbalance of power is a major reason why workplaces are often toxic emotional environments. In this episode Joe discusses why that is true, and what to do about it; how we can be different in the way we handle power at work, in the home, and in the church.

#5-How Do I Know If I’m Codependent?

Joe (who doesn't like giving short answers to people's struggles) gives a long answer to a listener's important question about codependency; "How do I know when I'm being codependent?  How do I know when I've crossed the line between helping someone or enabling their...

#4-May I See Your ID?

Too many people, including many followers of Jesus, have an identity crisis. They are failing to believe and live like they are a deeply loved child of God. They are missing out on the security and freedom they were created to enjoy. In this episode we explore why...

“I want to be brave with my life. And when we make the choice to dare greatly, we sign up to get our asses kicked. We can choose courage or we can choose comfort, but we can’t have both. Not at the same time.” - Brene Brown

“We must learn that the world is a place of abundance, not scarcity. The mantra of “not enough” becomes a kind of default setting for our thinking about everything, from the cash in our pocket to the people we love or the value of our own lives. It becomes the reason we can’t have what we want or be who we want to be. But it’s not true!” - Lynn Twist

“Redemption does not mean that God meets our needs and then our souls stop longing. No, redemption does not eradicate desperation. Instead, redemption allows us to surrender. And God doesn't want something from us. He wants us.” - Sharon Hersh

“We should not ask to do great things for God, but to do small things with great love.” - Mother Theresa
“Do you know what it’s like to be rested? Truly rested? This is what I’m finding, every day, every hour: there is a way of living that is so sweet, so full, so whole and beautiful you’ll never want to go back once you’ve tasted it.” - Shauna Niequist
“Want to be happy? Stop trying to be perfect.” - Brene Brown
“Connection is why we’re here; it is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives.” - Brene Brown
“We run from grief because loss scares us, yet our hearts reach toward grief because the broken parts want to mend.” - Brene Brown
"We cannot selectively numb emotions. When we numb the painful emotions, we also numb the positive emotions." - Brene Brown
“Our world desperately needs wise, skillful practitioners of the cure of souls.” - Dallas Willard
“A shepherd counselor is not a doctor whose primary task is to take away pain…the main task of the shepherd counselor is to prevent people from suffering for the wrong reasons.” - Henri Nouwen
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle.” - Philo
“The deepest convictions of our heart are formed by stories and reside there in the images and emotions of story…..Life is not a list of propositions, it is a series of dramatic scenes.” - Brent Curtis
“Here is something very simple about relationships….Nobody will listen to you unless they sense that you like them.” - Donald Miller
“Jesus came to announce to us that an identity based on success, popularity, and power is a false identity—an illusion! Loudly and clearly he says: ‘You are not what the world makes you; but you are children of God.’ “ - Henri Nouwen
“When we accept our complete belovedness, we stop judging ourselves and other people; as a result, other people begin to feel safe with us.” - Henri Nouwen
“Human beings who give themselves to relational greatness—who have friends they laugh with, cry with, learn with, fight with, dance with, live and love and grow old and die with—these are the human beings who lead magnificent lives.” - John Ortberg
“The litmus test of spirituality is not the absence of conflict; conflict will not disappear until we die. The litmus test is how we handle it. Conflict is inevitable; resentment is not.” - John Ortberg
“There are few joys in life like being wanted, chosen, embraced. There are few pains like being excluded, rejected, left out. At the core of of Christian community is the choice between exclusion and embrace.” - Miroslav Wolf




Respero Ministries
P.O. Box 11224
Portland, OR 97211-0224


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