Respero Podcast
Season One of the Respero Podcast contains Joe’s teaching on a variety of subjects related to counseling and healthy relationships. Watch for a new season about human flourishing coming in early 2023.
#16–The “Rest” of the Story: How Moses learned that less is more when it comes to work
Americans are the most overworked, exhausted, stressed, under-rested people in the world. And American Christians are no better, for the most part. In this episode we look at a story in the life of Moses' about he was in danger of burning out, and how he got some good...
#15–How God responds when we don’t believe we have what it takes
Moses misinterpreted how and when God wanted to use him to lead the people of Israel out of slavery in Egypt. God comes to him when he is in a time of weakness and not believing that he is up to the task. But God is patient and affirming, even when Moses keeps trying...
#14–Moses: messy families, misinterpreting your life, and the myth of redemptive violence
Many stories of the Bible have amazing insights about mental, emotional, and relational health and wholeness. Next to the stories of Jesus, the most important are the stories of Moses and the journey of Israel from slavery in Egypt to the Promised Land. So in this...
#13–Why Jesus’ Dad Was a Hero
We sing that at Jesus' birth "all was calm, all is bright". But underneath the details of the Christmas story there is another side to it, a tale of courage and faith in the midst of heartbreak, confusion, pain, and misunderstanding. In this episode we see how the...
#12–Forgive and Remember
In this episode Joe uses 3 examples from his counseling practice and 2 stories from the Bible to illustrate what forgiveness means and what it looks like in our everyday lives. Despite the fact that it is one of the major themes in the Bible, most people still...
#10–We’re SO Different
In order to have relationships of depth and intimacy, and to truly "accept one another", we have to learn to navigate our differences. This is especially crucial in a world where we are sliding more and more to "us vs. them", and vilifying people who are outside of...
#9–How to be Accept-able
The longing to be accepted and the fear of rejection are two of the most powerful motivators of human behavior. Few things in life feel better than knowing that you are welcomed, wanted, included...truly accepted. In this episode we look at what it means to "accept...
#6-How Not to Be a Jerk at Work
An imbalance of power is a major reason why workplaces are often toxic emotional environments. In this episode Joe discusses why that is true, and what to do about it; how we can be different in the way we handle power at work, in the home, and in the church.
#5-How Do I Know If I’m Codependent?
Joe (who doesn't like giving short answers to people's struggles) gives a long answer to a listener's important question about codependency; "How do I know when I'm being codependent? How do I know when I've crossed the line between helping someone or enabling their...
#4-May I See Your ID?
Too many people, including many followers of Jesus, have an identity crisis. They are failing to believe and live like they are a deeply loved child of God. They are missing out on the security and freedom they were created to enjoy. In this episode we explore why...