Book & Podcast
Here is a list of books and podcasts that Joe recommends as excellent resources, in no particular order.
They are not all specifically about counseling; some just contribute to our view of being fully human as we follow in the way of Jesus.
Books on Counselor Training
- Friendship Counseling, Kevin Huggins
- Emotionally Healthy Spiritually, Peter Scazzero
- The Wisdom of Your Body, Hilary McBride
- Anatomy of the Soul, Curt Thompson
- The Soul of Desire, Curt Thompson
- The Gift of Being Yourself, David Benner
- Hope When You’re Hurting, Larry Crabb and Dan Allender
- From Bondage to Bonding, Nancy Groom
Books on Spiritual Transformation
- Living in Christ’s Presence, Dallas Willard
- Return of the Prodigal, Henri Nouwen
- The Gift of Imperfection, Brene Brown
- Holy Longing, Ronald Rolheiser
Books on Deconstructing/Reconstructing Faith
- Faith After Doubt, Brian McLaren
- When Everything’s on Fire, Brian Zahnd
Books Worth Reading
- Simply Good News, N.T. Wright
- Beauty Will Save the World, Brian Zahnd
- Gilead, Marilyn Robinson
Podcast Recommendations
- Being Known, Curt Thompson
- Other People’s Problems, Hilary McBride
- The Eternal Current, Aaron Niequist
- The Bible for Normal People, Pete Enns