Respero Podcast
Season One of the Respero Podcast contains Joe’s teaching on a variety of subjects related to counseling and healthy relationships. Watch for a new season about human flourishing coming in early 2023.
# 3 – Let Me Be Direct
In this episode we talk about talking! How do we use our words with wisdom and clarity, so that our communication styles foster a deeper connection in all our relationships, especially in a world where words are being used so poorly and angrily? The New Testament...
#2-Encounters With Jesus, Part 2
In this episode we take a close look at the story of Peter's massive failure, his emotional response, and then the beautiful encounter where Jesus restores their relationship and commissions Peter to change the world.
#1- Encounters With Jesus, Part 1
In this episode there is a brief intro to what Respero is all about, and then we engage with a story that shows how Jesus interacts with a woman struggling with shame and isolation. Against all cultural norms and expectations, he treats her like a person of great...