

The extent and devastating impact of pornography on our souls and relationships is impossible to overstate. In this lesson we briefly discuss some marks of healthy sexuality, but spend most of the time focusing on what men and women need for healing and freedom from pornography. We also address ideas for counseling and encouraging people whose spouse or partner are enmeshed with pornography.


When you purchase this lesson you receive access to download the audio lesson, teaching outline and further resources. To have the best learning experience we recommend that you listen to each audio lesson 3 times. Just listen the first time through, take notes the second, and then reflect on the content and how it is applicable to you the third time.



Understanding Yourself

Discover the root of why we do what we do and develop better strategies for being a great lover--of ourselves and others.

Marriage, Separation & Divorce

Dive into the complexity of marriage, separation and divorce. When is separation warranted and productive for restoration? What does it look like to heal when your marriage is broken.


Walk through a basic framework for thinking about addiction, from how it affects our brains to 12-step programs. Learn some essential qualities for a life free from dependency.