Marriage, Separation, and Divorce
In this lesson we take a brief look at the purpose of marriage, and what it takes for couples to experience a rich oneness together. But then the bulk of the lesson is spent on how to have an accurate and clear perspective on separation and divorce, especially regarding what the Bible teaches (since this is such an area of confusion and misinterpretation). We give specific examples of when and how separation is warranted and can be productive for restoration, and we take a deep dive into divorce and how to help people recover and heal when their marriage is broken.
When you purchase this lesson you receive access to download the audio lesson, teaching outline and further resources. To have the best learning experience we recommend that you listen to each audio lesson 3 times. Just listen the first time through, take notes the second, and then reflect on the content and how it is applicable to you the third time.

Understanding Relationships
Understand what makes relationships strong and great, and what destroys them. Grow in your ability to love and enjoy the important people in your life.

Let's talk about shame and where it comes from--using psychology, brain science, and ancient wisdom. Explore how to identify and change our shame beliefs.

Spiritual Abuse
Recognize the marks of a spiritually abusive person and/or church. Understand how this abuse seeps into the understanding of ourselves, God and others.